The home security system consist of various components to achieve the desired benefits.
Customized DelCloud for cloud application. The hub will intimate the events to cloud via MQTT protocol. The cloud will intimate the event details to the users via Text, email or Push notification. REST API is used to communicate cloud and mobile apps.
Administrator UI is supported by the cloud. It has the functionalities of user and hub management, firmware upgrade etc.
Gadgeon designed an ultra low cost hardware based on MT7688 chipset capable of running OpenWRT Linux. Gateway supports ethernet and WIFI interfaces for communication with home router. Gateway supports 433MHz radio and Z-wave for sensor communication.
433MHz based sensor nodes detect events like fire, flood and freeze and communicate that to the Hub. The hub informs the event to the cloud which notifies the users.
Mobile app alerts users of the events using APNS and FCM push notifications. The app allows users to control valves and thermostats. Mobile app also helps the user to set up the hub and sensors/actuators by guiding through each step of the installation process. The app communicates directly with Hub over WIFI for initial configuration. REST API calls are used in this process.