Component selection of all components and BOM management.
The Solution / System Description
POD Hardware and Firmware
MSP430, Xbee digimesh, Sensor integration 4-20mA circuits, Analog inputs, Temperature sensor, PIR motion sensor, Digital inputs, Relays and Camera module
Proprietary protocol over Digi mesh to exchange sensor data, optimized for small payloads
Hub Firmware
MQTT for cloud communication, Firmware upgrade support, reassembly of packets to create image from segmented packets over Digimesh.
Web UI for system configuration and status. Data backup to DB in case of uplink connectivity loss.
Cloud server
User & Device Management, data storage, alert notifications, interpretation, intelligence, reporting and distribution to the mobile devices interacting with the Cloud server. The Cloud platform used is Amazon AWS
iOS Mobile App Design and Development
Controlling and managing the hub
The iOS App will enable plumbers to monitor the field equipment, receive notifications and remotely manage them.
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