A major Solution provider from North America for industrial and military sector wanted to develop an easy to use, efficient, and effective Maintenance instruction rendering solution, so that the maintenance personnel are prompted in real-time the steps to follow as well how to perform complex tasks correctly with out interruptions. The system will save the mechanic from being non-compliance of standard operating procedure and also generate audit trails of the maintenance conducted on the equipment.
The server application manages the work assigned to each technician. It downloads the required set of documents and associated images and videos to the AR headset. Supervisor users can assign tasks to maintenance technicians and review the tasks performed. History of all the maintenance work performed will be available in the server.
Android based glass application is developed on HMD hardware. Glass application supports a maintainer to login with <unique ID>. Once logged in, the maintainer will see the set of documents corresponding to the tasks assigned by the supervisor. He will be able to navigate the documents based on voice commands which leaves his hands free to do the work. Each step of the instruction can be navigated sequentially. The amount of time spent on each step is available for the supervisor to review.
Depending on the maintenance procedure, there may be linked images and videos. Maintainer can view images and play the videos by voice commands. He can also enter in to a 2-way video call with a technician using webrtc to debug specific issues.