Gadgeon – A Utopia for Engineers Passionate About Breadth and Depth of Technology

by Tinu Thomas | May 26, 2022

“Utopia” is a place of ideal perfection. Since it is an idealized state, most claim that utopia doesn’t exist, but we dream of it anyway. When we were building Gadgeon, we were specific about one thing – that we wanted to create an organization that was nothing short of a utopia for our engineers.

Our team of enthusiastic engineers look for a high-performance environment where they get the opportunity to use and display their whole range of skills. We ensure that we deliver this environment and augment our employee experience by:

Immense tech opportunity 

The engineers at Gadgeon are highly skilled technical experts who are interested in working across technologies and developing products, platforms, and services. Be it emerging technologies like AI/ML, IoT, or development methodologies like DevOps, we have the right environment set up for our engineers that get them excited about work.

Engineers here get the scope to work on mission-critical projects across industries and develop cutting-edge solutions that have a direct business impact. They are uniquely positioned to act as technology partners to our clients and offer innovative business solutions that help customers thrive in a disruptive business environment.

Our engineers can choose from product engineering, IoT engineering, developing enterprise applications, digitization services, and the like and push their boundaries.

A focus on the breadth of technology as well as the depth

Our objective is to develop an environment that is focused on the breadth of technology as the depth of technology. Given that the technology landscape is in the mode of constant disruption, technology applications are evolving every day, and new problems are giving rise to new opportunities, developing the breadth of technology becomes critical.

For technologists, this forward-thinking approach translates to working with some of the latest and shiniest new technology and developing new-age and futuristic solutions. Be it helping clients develop cutting edge products, digital advisory services, identifying solutions in the emerging technologies space, data and analytics, IoT, and more…there is a huge playfield to operate on.

Expansive experiences

We aim to deliver expansive experiences to our engineers. We do not want them to feel limited in their growth and truly want them to believe that the world is their oyster. To action these words, we focus mainly on career development opportunities and ensure that development happens vertically, horizontally, diagonally pretty much whichever way the engineer wants.

A system administrator gets the opportunity to train and become a DevOps engineer. Developers want to be full-stack ready; we made it happen. Product Engineers want to learn IoT; consider it done.

We help our engineers shape their careers and believe that an investment in our employees is always a wise one. We provide exposure and opportunities to our early-stage engineers and help them become more confident and adept at their roles. Our employees are our partners for success and as such we are deeply committed to delivering great opportunities to our engineers. 

Laser focus on skill development

Good engineers know that they will only be good until someone better comes along. To make sure that they remain good and move from good to great, they need focused learning and development opportunities and personalized training programs that will keep them forever ready to navigate the world of work.

As such, we ensure we have a robust learning and development program and conduct regular skill-gap analysis. Taking data-backed approaches always yields better results since it brings in context and relevance.

Engineers at Gadgeon are active contributors to our organizational success by not only working on their area of expertise but also being on the path of continuous learning. They get all the opportunities they need to increase their innovation and creativity while expanding their skill sets. Apart from regular skills-gap analysis and providing tailored learning and development programs, our engineers also get direct organizational support to learn new skills and enhance existing ones.

Our engineers are also free to choose external certifications as well to augment their careers and we provide the support they need to complete these certifications. We believe in taking care of our engineers and being a part of their growth story.


We believe that the best engineers today are looking for environments where they can explore ideas, be creative and fearless, and think out of the box. They want an environment that supports intrapreneurship, and such is the environment within our organization.

Our engineers are naturally curious and want to tackle pressing challenges and do things that they are interested in. To enable this, we ensure that we give them the space to bounce off ideas and present the workable ideas to the management and even clients. We deliver the support required to bring these ideas to fruition and provide an enabling environment where our engineers can push their boundaries and expand them at the same time.

Our team of engineers works on systems that need both the breadth of tech and depth of tech. We ensure that we give the right, high-energy, creative, and exciting work environment that helps them feel professionally fulfilled and personally motivated. Our employees are our value creators and, hence, we feel the need to demonstrate reciprocity by creating value for them by designing a workplace that is nothing short of a utopia.

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